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Synth Here

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January 7, 2011
Posts: 1

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Hi Everyone

Hi, i'm Synth (no , that is
not my real name, my real name is so unique i prefer
not to mention it on a forum because if
people type my name in google,
they immediatly find me)

I'm from a Small country in Europe,
Called Belgium. (yes, the country that
only contains 3% real belgians ,the rest
french/turkish/jewish, i know
its been on the news.. don't tell me please ,
its not that we belgians like it either...
its just because we are the
center of europe that they all come
here and that we have such a huge crime cifer)

Ehmm what else should i tell about me...
Oh yeah, ehm, i'm 20 years old ( 13/12/90 )

I have blue eyes and my original
hair color is quiet strange and difficult
to explain... it kind of changes
every time... from LightBlonde to
DarkBlonde to Brown and when my
hair is in water, its black... , when in a
house, my 2 front locks are blonde
and the rest is dark blonde brownish...
so i decided when i was 14,
to give it a dyed color so that people
don't stare at me because my hair color changes so often...
so now i'm blonde... i first tried black,
then red , and well... then i went blonde, then again red,
then again black but i missed blonde
and well.. now i'm blonde again and
i think i'll stay with this color
...unless this small power of wanting it
'pink' will take over.... but don't think thats gonna happen..
it was very strong but people have
talked me realy out of it... i think ... O.O! i stick with blonde
.... yes ... O.O...sssh evil second voice in my head....

Ok ehmm where was i... oh yeah p- Blonde hair.
Ehm well, what else to say...

Oh yeah, i made this crazy promise
when i was a GM in Rohan to the crew
that i'd dye my hair green when i
ever make age 60. So well... ehm...
if you ever go out with me and we end up getting married...
you know what happens when i'm 60...
u'll have to accept that...Promise is Promise.

Ehhhhh oh, now comes the hobby part i think...right..?
ehm lets see...

When i was 4 and still lived in a mansion,
i used to get private mannequin lessons and have even a
diploma for that. Later on i came in this
movie and thats how photographs kind of took notice of me...

First i had like every day a photoshoot
but it happened more and more that photographs asked
me for nudity pictures and i always
kindly refused them... yet they tried to make me agree by getting
me drunk and with other tricks... it got kind of dangerous...

so i decided to train in Martial Arts to defend myself.
Sensei Haruki teached me 6 Years the finest techniques
Of speed and reflexes.

But after awhile, i decided to become a freestyle model.
I decided to only do photoshoots on
appointments and not every day because i got sick...

After my parents broke up and my
father hanged himself in front of me, i got in this huge trauma and i
got sick of it... really miserable every morning, passing out every morning...

i now have it a bit under controle but
sometimes i still feel really dizzy,
i used to also not be able to
resist sunlight at all, i always walked
in the shadows, yet now i can walk in the
sun without getting bothered by it.

Ehmmm oh yeah... i can't become angry
its sometimes that bothers the most of my friends...

I can't become angry at all.. i can
become irritated or annoyed but i've
never been angry in my entire life...

I also have a very big lack of confidence
because i've never been part of the 'girl groups' at school..
they always laughed at me, called me ugly,
called me 'the grudge' , called me 'fat' , called me ''stupid''
, called me "Ghost" etc... so i now
understand completely that i am not
beautifull and that i never will...
yet i don't want a person that just takes me for my looks...

i might seem a talkative person right
now but actually i'm only extremely talkative by typing...
i have issues with talking with my mouth...
i become very shy, i am a very quiet person....
if i have to tell something that hurts my
troat out of sadness, i won't be able to say it ,
i'll start crying if i do say it... so i prefer to type it...
typing is a lot easyer to me then saying...

I am a very quiet person in real life

Ehm... oh yeah, the pictures part??
ok..lets see if i have some of me
with black hair and some of now with blonde hair...

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